My 6 year old daughter Eloise has got to be one of my favourite people to visit exhibitions with. I love the fresh eyes she brings to the shows she sees. She has no pretensions, she says exactly what she feels with no hint of self consciousness and seeing shows through her eyes, accompanied by her rather insightful commentary, has to be one of my favourite things to do.

This week-end I took the family to the Royal Academy of Art to wander around the Summer Exhibition. My husband strolled around with the interest of a stranger in a foreign land, pushing my 2 year old son in his pram who busied himself enthusiastically pointing out all the exhibits depicting trains, boats and any other modes of transport he is currently passionate about. Eloise on the other hand examined the rooms meticulously, deciding what her favourite piece was in each room (a game I'll admit I play in my head when visiting most exhibitions), what she liked least and commenting concisely on what she thought their merits were...or were not.

The thing is, you would have thought that with my influence, Eloise would have the same taste in art as me...but you would be wrong. Eloise’s taste is much darker than mine and we don’t always engage with the same exhibits. At the end of our tour of the exhibition’s many rooms I asked her if there was anything she particularly liked that she would like to have a final look at before we left. She took us immediately to her favourite piece; a coffin made from chicken bones, batteries, bottle tops and other modern day detritus. It was a world away from the beautiful abstract I had chosen as my favourite to which, when I pointed it out to Eloise, she shook her head, tutted and quickly retorted “Oh no Mummy, it’s just like one of yours.” Sigh...Although I would love my work to resemble the painting in question, I don’t think it was meant as a compliment...but how boring it would be if she shared my tastes and views.
As it is she is a priceless and unique source of inspiration. What wonderful discussions and disagreements we’re going to have as she gets older. I really can’t wait.