Sunday, 24 July 2022
Esteemed-Augmented-Pollenapis-Device - Turner Contemporary
Thursday, 24 December 2020
May we all see our fair share of rabbits

"The little carved rabbit on the left used to sit on the top of the fridge at my Nan and Grandad's house in Sheffield.
When my young Nan first caught my Granddad's eye, he asked her if she would like to accompany him on a picnic the following week. Nan agreed but (rather coquettishly if you ask me) only on the condition that they would get to see rabbits. Granddad assured her that there would indeed be rabbits.
They met the next week as agreed & spent a sunny afternoon walking the country lanes and talking about nothing in particular before finding a suitable spot to stop and have their picnic.
As the sun set & my Granddad delivered my Nan back to her front door he told her that he had had a wonderful time and that he hoped that she had too. My Nan answered in feigned disappointment that the day had been "OK" she supposed but sadly she hadn't seen any of the promised rabbits. Granddad pressed this little wooden rabbit into my Nan's hand, carved from a secretly selected branch that afternoon with the penknife from his pocket when she wasn't looking and explained (rather smoothly if you ask me) that he ALWAYS kept his promises.
Nan told me that it was at that point she knew she was in trouble.
I bought the little blue rabbit in the middle the week I found out I was first expecting a baby. Daz & I had decided we were ready to try for a baby just 4 weeks before and frankly I had expected a little more time spent trying before we succeeded. One Lunch break, still reeling from how quickly it had all happened and not yet quite understanding quite how my life was about to change, I idly imagined an inquisitive little blonde-haired boy with a blue rabbit under one arm calling me "Mummy". When Eloise arrived 8 months later, she was not who I had been expecting but was equally & breath-takingly brilliant.
The little toy rabbit on the right is Blue Bun. He has been Isaac's main cuddly companion from the moment he was born. Blue Bun is a little bit naughty and has been known to hide under beds and behind cushions whilst on holiday so he can be posted back to us from exotic locations returning with elaborate tales of imagined adventures.
My Daz & I are currently travelling home to our babies with elaborate tales of real adventures after a brilliant long weekend in Paris. We have walked over 40 km exploring Parisian streets, visiting galleries, seeing the sights, feeling incredibly fortunate, remembering My Nan who died this week, and looking out for rabbits...We saw 3.
Nan was 98 and one of my absolute favourites. I shall miss her terribly.
May we all see our fair share of rabbits."
Friday, 1 February 2013
Wish Stones
There he is, out in the garden, fork in hand, digging for potatoes. Here he comes, great earthy hands outstretched, offering red jewelled berries from the redcurrant bush by the gate; chuckling at my face as I wince from their sharpness and reach for another. I can still hear him, clearing his throat, paper on his lap, the sound of cricket and static coming from the portable radio. My Grandad, sitting, eyes closed, face to the sun, on an old dining chair outside his shed with his tea going cold. I remember.
Monday, 28 May 2012
The Art House Co-op Mystery Project.
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The gauge on his chest indicates how interested he is in your conversation...he wishes it didn't.
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He thinks he can dance like a human.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Aleena - My latest project
I've not painted a portrait for rather a long time and you know what's harder to paint than black velvet? Black wait...white wait...leather stud wait... snake skin...Oh what lovely fun! I love painting textures and this has been a real challenge.
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
A challenge for you.

Thursday, 29 December 2011
My Art House Co-op Sketchbook Project 2012 Sketchbook
I had no intention of it being a series of pen and ink sketches. It was supposed to be a collection of multicoloured textural studies but, as always, things didn't turn out as I expected...I'm rather pleased.
For those of you who have asked, I'm not sure what the red path represents...other than a journey. It's one of those symbols which appears in various forms in the art of so many cultures, meaning different but often very similar things...perhaps I'm referring to one of them, or perhaps all of them and maybe some others I've not pinned down yet too. As for where it is going and where it will end up...I've about five double pages before the journey is complete and I'm afraid that at the moment I've no idea. It does have a narrative of sorts but I'm not sure there's a punch line.
Happy New Year!
Monday, 28 November 2011
A path through the trees
So, these are my trees...I dream about them...or at least an increasing number of my dreams are set amongst them. They are sometimes peacefully bathed in afternoon sun, sometimes moon-drenched and menacing. Sometimes I know my way between the trees instictively and sometimes I am utterly lost or trapped. They can protect and obscure me from the monsters at my heels or they can trip me and get in my way depending on the mood of the dream...and they sneak out into my art from time to time, especially when I'm given a blank sketchbook entitled "A path through the trees".
What do you think?
I don't dream of the red path...perhaps it's there so I can find my way back.
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
Sketchbook inspiration

Now that the e-readers are arguably beginning to take the place of the traditional book perhaps it will free the medium to explore what it has to offer that modern technology has not. Oh I love a fabulously woven tale full of mystery and adventure but I am in no way attached to paper on which it is written. The books I covet and treasure are far more than a place for the printed word; they are the beautiful ones, illustrated objects of beauty and imagination and there are artists out there doing wonderfully imaginative things between the pages of some beautifully crafted books.
Friday, 22 July 2011
My notebook of loveliness

Today is the last day of the school term. My little boy goes to nursery a few afternoons a week, my big girl is at school all day and the time they spend eagerly learning and playing at their respective places of education, I have spent eagerly learning and playing in my studio ever since it was completed...but all that’s going to have to change. I’ve now got 6 whole wonderful weeks to spend with my beautiful children uninterrupted by school runs, after school clubs...and without the opportunity to pop down to my studio with a cup of tea and a promising idea.